The development of Tangenkaia, situated on the banks of Drammensfjorden, provides an opportunity to create a sustainable and circular environment. This project aims to revitalize the quayside by allowing nature, people, and the city to coexist in harmony, transforming the highly specialized and closed area into an open and diverse part of Drammen while preserving its historical significance
The development of Tangenkaia, situated on the banks of Drammensfjorden, provides an opportunity to create a sustainable and circular environment. This was and still is very fun.
00.0000°N, 00.0000°E
Concrete change
The concrete quay is removed and reused to re-establish a water delta with meandering streams between mudbanks, peninsulas and islets. As time goes by, the area will be further developed, and the delta will grow to embrace most of the quay. Showing that even the smallest changes can lead to significant and lasting positive effects
The project transforms a dock area into a sustainable, circular and climate-positive environment through innovative architecture. It revives the area while supporting local flora and fauna and mitigating the impacts of climate change. A visionary approach to urban development.
the development of Tangenkaia in Drammen is an example of how the principles of urban ecological modeling, circularity, and a climate-positive landscape can be applied to revitalize a previously specialized and closed area. The project's goal is to create a harmonious coexistence between nature, people, and the city, while preserving the area's historical significance.
A good city is one that prioritizes the love of its people and the life of its nature. To create a harmonious and sustainable urban environment, we must make subjective decisions that take into account the desires and dreams of those who inhabit it, while also preserving the natural beauty and resources that sustain us all. And to achieve this, we must be willing to embrace transformation and change, starting with small incremental steps that can lead to significant positive impacts over time.