
Eggedal fjellandsby

Feasibility study, plan proposal, development strategy

Future development for the mountainvillage of Eggedal

How do you foster sustainable development in a small mountain village, struggling to find its ways between an artistic past and an uncertain future? In our minds Eggedal must strengthen the places that makes it special and create new connections to the landscape.

Sigdal Utvikling & Sigdal kommune
60.1803°N, 9.6231°E
00.0000°N, 00.0000°E

Together with Sigdal municipality we launched a project to secure a bright future for Eggedal. Our team conducted a thorough analysis of the place and its potentials, working in close collaboration with local business, cultural, and community leaders. Through engaging discussions held at Borgarstua, we gathered ideas and insights from the local community to draft a long-term development plan. This plan is rooted in Eggedal's rich history, yet looks towards the future with a forward-thinking approach

Our proposal builds on the history of the area as an “artist valley full of sentiment”, while also honoring the commercial past and present. An essential part of our project is to envision the recreational society of tomorrow with a rich influx of seasonal visitors in a way that builds on and adds to the local culture.

Four tailored strategies for the future: strengthening the qualities and history of Eggedal.


Proposed development of Tempelbyen, a modern mountain village,emphasizing social and sustainable organization in nature, inspired by the Norwegian term 'cluster farm' or 'klyngetun.'

Camp Eggedal

Eggedal's future development focuses on enhancing the natural environment, with trails, streams and routes seamlessly blending with the surroundings. The aim is to create an attractive, inspiring and accessible environment, with architecture that respectfully integrates with nature while offering a high standard of design. The cabins among the trees showcase this combination.

Transforming tradition, preserving local heritage, elevating quality

Create the future of leisure driven community. Proposed extension of the local woodmill, integrating production, work and recreational activities, including co-working, foodproduction and market activities.

Connect with activity and attractiveness

The view - We propose a new gondola connection to the mountains as a destination and viewpoint. The landing point also serves as a hotel and recreational hub - and a fantastic place to behold the landscape and Eggedal down below.

"A core ambition to us was to balance the everyday life in Eggedal with the massive influx of cabin owners and guests visiting on the weekend and holidays. We need a plan that allows Eggedal to blossom when it is Extra Small - on a rainy autumn day - and when it is XXXL - full of visitors on a summer day. At the heart of our proposal is: densifying, connecting and staging."
Petter Grimm, partner DRMA
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